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function elementの例文


  • The Green's function elements connecting pairs of source and field patches defined by the mesh form a matrix, which is solved numerically.
  • Through its unique function element, the compact shaft encoder coupling combines extremely low restoring force and low stress on the encoder bearings with constant angle-synchronous transmission of the rotary movement
  • Third, the courts and the patent office have rapidly proposed, modified, and deprecated several tests for determining the scope of " equivalents " of a means-plus-function element.
  • A close analysis of the properties of the function elements " f " " i " near the critical points can be used to show that the point at infinity ).
  • By contrast, the point " z " 0 is called a "'logarithmic branch point "'if it is impossible to return to the original function element by analytic continuation along a curve with nonzero winding number about " z " 0.